We had plenty of opportunities to observe clouds in the past few days. It has been really cloudy and wet...only a few breaks in the weather where we were able to get outside and breathe some air. I tried to enjoy the rain but it really did just bum me out. I was really glad that this week's challenge was to pull out some art supplies and make a watercolor entry for the weather in my nature journal.
I collected some water for my watercolor project from the rain gauge. Now that I had my supplies ready I was anxious about actually watercoloring in my journal so I decided to make the painting on a separate sheet of paper and then add the painting to my journal with tape.
I played with my gray watercolor pencil before starting the actual artwork, experimenting with different methods of applying the color to the paper. You should try this if you have a few minutes just to see how different the effects are on your artwork.
- Left box: Use the pencil to draw the square, then apply water with a brush.
- Middle box: Dip the tip of the watercolor pencil in water, draw the square.
- Right box: Use a wet brush on the pencil tip, apply to paper.
Creating a journal page always cheers me up! Between the journal page and taking advantage of the breaks in the rain to get outside, I was starting to feel not so blah.
This will wind down our weather study for the month. Just for fun, I will be keeping our rainfall records as we move through January. We might get a dusting of snow later this week which would be the perfect way to wind up the month. If you currently have snowy conditions, remember that there are quite a few snow challenges here on the Handbook of Nature Study up on the Winter tab.

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