Time to write some goals and strive to accomplish them this coming week??
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after you read my goals.
Not such a great week as far as getting my goals done... otherwise it was a great week. I spent a lot of time with my family. Christmas Day and New Years Eve were especially fun. The week just went by way to fast.
My Goals from last week and how I did:
Spiritual Goals

- Morning Devotions - including Bible reading, prayer, listening to music and reading a spiritual book currently Promises, Promises: Understanding and Encouraging Your Husband I have more to read this week if I want to finish this by Dec. 31. Done - I finished the book before Dec. 31st, YEAH!
- Read The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness to/with my hubby.We have not started this yet, hopefully we will be able to this week. Done - hubby and I finally started reading this. The book is upstairs so I don't know what chapter we are on.
- We are on Christmas break now. Before we start back on Jan. 3 I do need to prep a little science, at least to have something to start on for the 3rd-4th. Not Done - I only have one day to figure out what to have Christopher do for Thursday and Friday. I also found out that even though I gave Christopher work to do for the last 2 days of school, I had been sick all that week and was still recovering on the couch, he skipped it. I am not sure I will be ready for him to do school on Thursday but I will find SOMETHING, because him skipping school because I was sick is so annoying. I will not give him the pleasure of more vacation days.
- Comment on the ladies blogs that link up to Goal Planning Monday. Not Done - where did the week go. I didn't even link up last week's post until yesterday because she didn't have her post up when I got mine done and then with Christmas Eve. and Christmas Day and my mom visiting I just never thought about it again.
- Post reminder and future themes for Think Back Thursday on Wed. Not Done
- Post Think Back Thursday. Done
- Comment on each person's post that links up for Think Back Thursday. Not Done... yet. I still have time though, before this week's post is due.
- Participate in some memes that I have wanted to do again. Not Done
- Post my last reading post for 2012. Done
- Post my last update for my yearly goals for 2012... I wonder how I did on my goals?? Done
- I also need to work on a post for my goals for 2013. I want that ready for the 1st or 2nd at the latest. Done - just posted it.
- Write my weekly goals down on paper, add some details I want for me. Not Done
- Read, Read, Read Done
- Work on an ornament for a friend. Not Done - sorry Michelle
- Work on my prayer book, I have some pages I want to change. Pray is my word for 2013 and I want my prayer book ready to go. Not Done - I really want to get this done.
- Spend time with my hubby, kids and mom. I don't have much money to spend this year so time will be my currency. Done - this is one I didn't have any trouble working on... the other stuff... well a lot got missed this week.
Well, it felt like a good week. I got some reading done and spent a lot of time with the family.... the rest was either not so important or it will get done this week or in the future.
My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals

- Morning Devotions - including Bible reading, prayer, listening to music and reading a spiritual book. This year I plan to read through Proverbs each month, 31 chapters 31 days (on shorter months I have to do a 2 chapters on a few days to keep up. This was suggested in The Richest Man Who Ever Lived that hubby and I started reading. Prayer will be a focus this year as that is my word for 2013. I am currently reading Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist by John Piper. I started it today.
- Read more of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness to/with my hubby.
- Prep for school...starting back on the 4th of January. I at least need something for those first 2 days. Then I will have the weekend to prep some more.
- Order books for Christopher from the library, he needs history and science.
- Comment on the ladies blogs that link up to Goal Planning Monday.
- Post reminder and future themes for Think Back Thursday on Wed.
- Post Think Back Thursday.
- Comment on each person's post that links up for Think Back Thursday.
- Write my weekly goals down on paper, add some details I want for me.
- Read, Read, Read
- Work on my prayer book, I have some pages I want to change. Pray is my word for 2013 and I want my prayer book ready to go.
- I have a project to work on for my mom/sister. I have my mom's devotionals to scan and either print bigger (because she can't see them the size they are) or make into an e-pub so she can read them on her Nook. I only have until Friday night to get it done too... so I will be spending a lot of time on it for the next 3 days.
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