3 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Watercolor Clouds Nature Journal - Cure for the Winter Blahs

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We had plenty of opportunities to observe clouds in the past few days. It has been really cloudy and wet...only a few breaks in the weather where we were able to get outside and breathe some air. I tried to enjoy the rain but it really did just bum me out. I was really glad that this week's challenge was to pull out some art supplies and make a watercolor entry for the weather in my nature journal.

I collected some water for my watercolor project from the rain gauge. Now that I had my supplies ready I was anxious about actually watercoloring in my journal so I decided to make the painting on a separate sheet of paper and then add the painting to my journal with tape.

I played with my gray watercolor pencil before starting the actual artwork, experimenting with different methods of applying the color to the paper. You should try this if you have a few minutes just to see how different the effects are on your artwork.

If you are interested in this sort of thing, here are the options I used.
  • Left box: Use the pencil to draw the square, then apply water with a brush.
  • Middle box: Dip the tip of the watercolor pencil in water, draw the square. 
  • Right box: Use a wet brush on the pencil tip, apply to paper. 
All of these squares are made with the same pencil....very different results.
Creating a journal page always cheers me up! Between the journal page and taking advantage of the breaks in the rain to get outside, I was starting to feel not so blah.

One morning we woke to actual sunshine and we decided to take a hike to see our neighborhood waterfall. Kona loves this trail since we can let her off leash. She runs ahead and finds something interesting to sniff, following the scent until she detects another trail to follow. She definitely enjoyed the opportunity to get outside and stretch her legs alongside us on the trail.

We were rewarded for our hiking efforts with the rushing sound of water coming down the hill and over the rocks. We took a few minutes to just enjoy the moment and then we all headed back up the hill, just in time for the rains to return. I realized that without the rain we would have had no waterfall to hike to.....sometimes we need to be reminded of the benefits of all that wet weather.

This will wind down our weather study for the month. Just for fun, I will be keeping our rainfall records as we move through January. We might get a dusting of snow later this week which would be the perfect way to wind up the month. If you currently have snowy conditions, remember that there are quite a few snow challenges here on the Handbook of Nature Study up on the Winter tab.

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Seasonal Weather: Photo and Picnic

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Outdoor Hour Challenge:
This week spend your outdoor time enjoying the daily weather. Keep track of your weather for a week, recording the temperature, rainfall, etc. You can use any of the free printables on my Freebies Page. Look there for the seasonal weather pages and the weather chart.

You can also use any of the Seasonal Weather Challenges from the past that are appropriate for your time of the year:
  • Winter Seasonal Weather
  • Spring Seasonal Weather
  • Summer Seasonal Weather
  • Autumn Seasonal Weather
    Printable Notebook Page: 
    During your seasonal weather observations, take a photo of something that shows your current weather conditions. Better yet, let your children take the images and then print them out for a personalized nature journal entry. This can be done in each season and recorded in your nature journal's seasonal section.

    Printable Notebook Page: My Seasonal Weather.

    Getting Started Suggestion:
    If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #10.  I realize that this is a cold time of year (or hot for you Southern Hemisphere folks)  for many of you but there are ways to make a "picnic" happen even if you just drive in the car, park under a tree, and enjoy some sandwiches and hot cocoa. Get creative! If you have a picnic, make sure to take a photo to include in your nature journal. I will challenge myself to taking a picnic in the next few weeks with my family and I will post our experiences here on the blog. 

    Blog Logo 1
    OHC Blog Carnival
    You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 12/30/12.

    More Nature Study Bundle Button - Square
    There are only a few days left to purchase the More Nature Study Bundle at the discounted price of $17.90. This promo will end on 12/31/12. If you have been thinking about purchasing this bundle, now is the time! 

    Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival - Weather

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    OHC Blog CarnivalThe Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival time is a highlight of my month, viewing the nature adventures through the carnival links encourages me to get outdoors as well. The end of December marks another year of the Outdoor Hour challenge and reflecting back on the last twelve months as it relates to our family's experiences with the Outdoor Hour Challenge, we have had a rich, full year.

    DSCN3675 The highlight of 2012 was traveling to upstate New York to visit the cabin in the woods built by Anna Botsford Comstock. Not only visiting, but being invited to stay there and experience her woods, birds, trees, wildflowers, and lake. What a gift!

    Top left: Makita and I meet in Oregon. Top Right: Atlantic Ocean. Bottom Left: Cornell Lab of Ornithology-Blue Heron nest. Bottom Right: Heather and I meet up in New York.

    Special Memories from 2012
    • First visit to the Atlantic Ocean!
    • First whales sighted in Hawaii...a whole pod of pilot whales.
    • New birds to my life list: Cowbird, Great blue heron (while visiting Cornell Lab of Ornithology with Heather and her children). 
    • I got to meet two long time Outdoor Hour Challenge participants and friends while traveling - Heather and Makita.
    Looking forward to the coming year, I have a special trip planned to Florida and another new-to-me habitat on the Gulf Coast (maybe even the Everglades). Thanks to the Homeschool Blog Awards prize package, I will be going to San Antonio, Texas. How exciting is that? Thank you to all of my readers for voting for me and giving me the opportunity to spend some time in Texas with my family. Later this week I will be sharing my nature study goals for 2013 which includes a personal challenge involving rocks and traveling.

    There is always something fresh to learn in each new place.

    Shirley Ann made this amazing collage of frosty images from their walk!
    Weather Walk
    • Shirley Ann from Under An English Sky shares their Frosty Walk.  They decided to set aside the school books for a few hours and get outdoors to see their frosty, cold world.
    • Robin from Academia writes about their Walk in the Woods....dusting of snow, signs of animals, interesting trees and roots. There second entry shows their Winter Walk in the Woods and more snow!
    • Rachel from United For Christ has submitted their Seasonal Weather Walk-OHC for carnival readers to enjoy. They had a snowy winter day to enjoy with smiles and then with cocoa! Looks like fun!
    • Jen from Snowfall Academy seized the opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy their first real snow in a long time: Winter Weather Walk. I loved seeing a glimpse of their smiling faces.
    Weather Grid Study
    • Angie from Petra School submits their Weather Grid, Weather Sounds, Nature Study entry for you to be encouraged by. She explains that she knows she needs to build up her own enthusiasm before she can expect her boys to be on board. Great encouragement for us all.
    Angie from Petra School does some review of cloud types. 
    Cloud Observations
    • Angie at Petra School shares their Weather Walk-Cloud Vocabulary entry with the carnival. She says, "Weather is our life."
    •  Cristy from Crafty Cristy has collected for the carnival some wonderful cloud images and a selection of book recommendations. You can read her entry: Cloud Observations. Thanks! 
    • Robin from Academia broke her foot and has had to do nature study with her daughter from the window in their home. They observed and recorded with watercolors their changing clouds and you can see them in her entry: Clouding Around. 
    Mother Robin's Watercolor Clouds
    Seasonal Weather
    • The December 2012 edition of the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter has some ideas for a winter nature table. Shirley Anne has submitted their entry for some additional ideas: Winter Nature Table.  
    • Robin and her daughter share their Waiting for Winter entry with the carnival. They took time to note all the changes that the new season is bringing. Don't get her started on ticks or stink bugs....
    • Makita from Academia Celestia shares both their Snowflakes Across the Curriculum and Night Tree entries for carnival readers to enjoy. Always fun to see what their family is up to for nature study. 
    • Diana from Homeschool Review shares her Nature Study Winter Edition - From My Window. Nothing like a catch up bird entry to brighten up the carnival. She has a beautiful image of a cardinal for you to enjoy.
    • Catherine from Grace to Abide has written up their Outdoor Hour Challenge #23 - Moths for the carnival and your enjoyment. Do not miss her entry with some fascinating images of the transformation of their caterpillar to a moth!
    • Tricia from Hodgepodge reflects on their autumn nature study as a family in her entry: Making Memories This Fall. Wonderful images that tell the story! 
    •  Chalk Pastels eBook
    Tricia and her family have just released their very first ebook! I would love for you to pop over and check it out for your chalk pastel pleasure. They have put a year's worth of art into this ebook and right now they are running a special introductory price if you use the code: SSCP-INTRO.

    OHC Blog Carnival
    Don't forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in January are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 1/30/13 and you can send them directly to me: harmonyfinearts@yahoo.com or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

    Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter - January 2013 Rocks

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    January 2013 - Rocks and Minerals

    There is a new year of nature study all stretched out in front of us just like a blank page! I'm so excited that the year will start with a study of rocks and minerals. If that sounds too hard or uninteresting to your family, I welcome you to download and read this month's newsletter to read and see how other families are making their rock study fabulous! I hope you will join us for at leas the grid study and then share your experiences with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival.

    Contents of this edition of the newsletter include: 
    • "Teaching the Hard Subjects" - one of my contributions to the newsletter
    • Information on collecting rocks when you travel 
    • Two rock study articles contributed by OHC participants
    • January Study Grid and Bookmark - Rock Themed 
    • Book Review
    • Rock themed nature journal idea
    • Show and Tell, Favorite Links
    I have attached the newsletter download link to the bottom of my blog feed so if you are a subscriber you will receive the link to the latest newsletter at the bottom of every post for the month of January. If you haven't subscribed yet, you can still subscribe and receive the newsletter link in the next post that comes to your email box. You can subscribe to my blog by filling in your email address in the subscription box on my sidebar.

    Note: You can download your newsletter from the link in two ways: 
    1. If your link is clickable, right click the link and then "save link as" to save the file on your computer. 
    2. If the link is not clickable, cut and paste the link to your browser, open, and then save your newsletter to your computer. 

    Nature Study Goals for 2013

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    I love making goals and then seeing them achieved...but honestly, I love the journey as much as the achievement. Especially when it comes to nature study, always having a goal or focus helps make things happen. The Outdoor Hour Challenge is really just a way of breaking nature study goals down into weekly steps. Each challenge gives us a way to focus for a few minutes with our children on something that could easily be skipped if we aren't careful.

    This year I feel a shift is coming in our family's nature study. I am for the first time making my own personal nature study goals and inviting any of my family members along with me when they have time and an interest. I find that as I become involved in a particular area of nature study that my family naturally falls in line with that interest and in the process of supporting my nature study, they learn something as well. (Sneaky but it works.)

    Would you like to see my personal nature study goals for 2013? Some are related to the Outdoor Hour Challenges we will be completing together here on the blog and some are more specialized to my area of the world. Feel free to make your own list and you might like to do what I am doing, print out a copy of the goals and insert them in the front of your nature journal. I am also taking each goal and actually scheduling in some dates in my planner, in pencil of course just so I be flexible as the opportunities arise.

    Barb's Nature Study Goals for 2013
    • Learn about ten new birds, including nature journal entries and learning their calls.
    • Learn about five new trees in my local area.
    • Learn about five scrubs that I see along my walking trail or our favorite hiking trail.
    • Take four new hikes. (These are tentatively planned in my planner along with maps.)
    1. Leopard Lily, 2. 7 09 Deer at Yosemite, 3. Sequoia, 4. Steller's Jay at Yosemite National park
    Visit Yosemite in all four seasons and focus on some aspect of nature each time:
    • Spring - trees/birds
    • Summer - wildflowers/waterfalls
    • Autumn - mammals
    • Winter - rocks
    I am not sure if I will stick to the topics listed above or allow each trip to unfold some aspect of nature to learn about. I am also going to invite some friends along with me, sharing my love for this awesome place with people who have never been there even though we live just a few hours away.

    Now for the big goal that I will need help from my family in achieving. I am challenging myself to take on a rock related nature study project which will hopefully teach me new skills and lead to some adventures. My husband and I are going to try to collect all fifteen rocks discussed in the Rocks, Fossils and Arrowheads (Take-Along Guides). After going over each rock in the book, we searched online for places that we could realistically find each specimen. It will mean taking a few trips to new places and finding ways that we can legally collect each one. Several of the rocks we have access to on a daily basis like granite and slate but even for these specimens I want to make a proper display and journal entry. We just came up with this idea a few days ago and already our wheels are turning, plans are being made and our hopes are high that we can achieve our goal.

    I am going to be taking the year of 2013 and trying to use far less plastic than we have been as a family. I am slowly going to be adding new routines and habits that will support a lifestyle that will use less disposable plastic. I will be sharing my journey.

    I am looking forward to what we will experience and learn this year as we continue our journey learning about the wonderful awe-inspiring creations we have all around us.

    If you had to pick one nature study related goal this year, what would it be?
    Leave me a comment with your goal and perhaps I can work some of your ideas into up-coming Outdoor Hour Challenges or write posts with suggestions on how to achieve your goals. 

    2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

    Of Christmas Past

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    I wanted to start by posting a Christmas photo of my mom and Gram (Esther Holien, 1905-2003) from about 1960.
    I don't know why some are color, but most of my 1960s photos are B/W. This photo below is my other Gram (Dora Hall, 1906-1999)

    Next comes a photo in which I am either 13 or 14, so that would be either 1973 or 1974. On the Left is my dad (Herbert W. Hall - 1925 to 2006) and his mom, my Gram (Dora Hall), and I am between them. My sister (Lois) is in fron, left.

    Next is a photo of my dad's brother, Robert Hall (1927-2007) with his 2nd wife Melba, and this photo looks like it is from sometime around 1988.

    Then we get to less "ancient" photos. Sadly, none of the Christmas photos on my computer include my oldest daughter. She moved out in 2005. The first photo is about 2006 - it shows us doing what has become a tradition for my son. He doesn't even like gingerbread houses anymore, but still likes to make one every year.

    Family Christmas photo says it is the same year, but to me JD looks a year older in the family photo.  
    Then we have a succession of family Christmases.

    2008, on the annual trek to find and cut down the perfect tree:
    2010 - Photos like this in 10 and 11, and I've now decided I want to get up and shower at 0'dark-hundred every Christmas and always be dressed with styled hair when we open presents:

    2011 - family photo taken at Thanksgiving (to distribute in our Christmas cards), and a fast forward to another gingerbread house:

    Visit Debbie's Digest  to join in with Think Back Thursday, and to see what other bloggers are sharing for this week's theme.  Nex for Jan. 3, 2013 we will do photos of Snow (with or without people is fine)Think Back Thursday is a photo meme that encourages sharing something from the past.  It is hosted by Debbie's Digest.  You can find out more about it, and how you can participate, by clicking the link or the button below. 

    Menu Monday #1, 2013

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    Well, Monday actually falls in 2012, but I thought since most of the week is 2013... Anyway, today I get back to the strict work of controlling my blood pressure and cholesterol through diet. So, even going back a few days, here is the menu plan for this week:

    Macaroni and Not Cheese, Green Beans, leftover ham for the carnivores

    Sunday (my birthday):
    Steak (for the carnivores), baked potatoes (I loaded mine with vegetarian chili), broccoli (followed by very NOT-vegan carrot cake!)

    Home made pizza, one vegan, one Pepperoni; salad

    Savory Lentils and Greens, Salad, whole grain rolls from Whole Foods

    Burgers and Fries, cooked carrots (black bean burgers and sweet potato fries for the vegan)

    E2 Black Beans & Rice

    Vegan Pad Thai

    Sweet Potato Bowls

    This blog entry linked to:

    2012 - Looking Back over Our Year

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    There are many ways I could highlight the events of 2012 in my family. Here are fun events from our year.


    Winter Weather Walk (Outdoor Hour Challenge) 

    and Chickadee Study part 1

    Composer Study: Mendelsohn

    The Pentagon and the Capitol Building

    Chickadee Study, part 2

    Twig Study (Outdoor Hour Challenge)

    Mullien (Outdoor Hour Challenge)

     Artist Study: Caspar David Friedrich


    Nature Study: Moon

    Field Trips: Nasa Goddard, Greenbelt, MD
    and an exhausting ice skating trip...
    Warm weather has arrived early; home schooling at its best:

    Nature Study: Cherry blossoms and crab apples:

    Nature Study: the turtles are hatching in the creek! A baby snapping turtle and a baby red slider (sorry about the blurry photo)

    Needs no explanation... 

    Field Trips: Mt. Vernon
     and Baltimore Zoo:
    My 2nd homeschooled student graduates college! 
     Nature Study: Stink Bug:

     Nature Study: 2nd Snapping Turtle! We didn't get too close to this one...

     My son likes to hang out at the creek a lot... I guess that's why we have so many studies there...

    My son begins to make things to enter in the County Fair in 4-H.
     Independence Day:

    The ribbons are from a previous year. And the projects pile up...

    And we learned that Aunt Debbi has Stage V Breast Cancer... :(  ...and she begins to fight it...

    Last minute projects for the Fair...
     And then the awards are given... here are a few examples of his awards. Oops! Wrong year! Where are my photos of this years projects? I have no clue.


    First day of School


     Nature Study, in which we find a "Wheel Bug". Experiment result - they do not eat worms.

    Field Trip: C&O Canal
    Homeschooling in flannel jammies -- that's part of why we homeschool, right?


    Boy Scouts extended hike and sleepover on the C&O Canal.

    Thanksgiving of course.


    Boy Scouts work at Antietam Battle field, putting out illuminarios for the annual lights to remember the fallen in our nation's deadliest-ever battle. And a cold night's campout.

     Nature Study: Birds


    There are so many more things we did. I had blogged it once, but blogger ate it. This one turned out different, but nice. Also check my pages above for more things related to this year. Thanks for reading.

    To read more Crew Blogs where we look back over our year go to the Schoolhouse Crew Review Blog.

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