Outdoor Hour Challenge:
This week's challenge kicks off our weather study for the month. Keep your outdoor time very casual and open-ended by just taking a short walk together, noting your weather conditions. You can combine this week's challenge with a seasonal tree study (printables available) or you can find something for your winter nature table. You will find nature table ideas in the December 2012 newsletter.
The most important aspect of this week's challenge is to get outside! Fifteen minutes is not too long for anyone...no matter the conditions. Dress appropriately, have a positive attitude, and watch the magic happen.
Printable Notebook Page
The Four Seasons-In My World: This week the Outdoor Hour Challenge extra activity is another printable for you to use as part of your weather study. Use this page to record the exact dates of each of your seasons, depending on which hemisphere you live in. Discuss with your children how each of the seasons is a little different and have them draw a scene from their favorite season for their nature journal.

Bonus Printable Notebook Pages
December World Notebook Page
Winter Nature Walk from Hearts and Trees
Getting Started Suggestion:
If you already own the Getting Started ebook, turn to Outdoor Hour Challenge #1. Use the ideas there for an open-ended time outdoors this week following your child's lead. Casually mention the weather and you can discuss the seasons after you come back indoors. Complete the accompanying notebook page if your child has interest.
You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 12/30/12.
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