December 2012 - Weather and Climate
We have reached the last newsletter of 2012 and the fourth topic in our series of nature study topics from the Handbook of Nature Study. (See bottom of this post for the proposed plan of nature study for 2013.) Hopefully you have all been able to participate at least once a month and this month everyone can complete a weather study and some of the fun additional activities that will be planned for each Friday.
Contents of this edition of the newsletter include:
- Nature study and high school biology - 2 articles (one is mine and one is from a veteran OHC participant)
- Article showing how a family in the UK overcomes weather related stumbling blocks to nature study
- 2 articles contributed by OHC family members showing how a study of the weather relates to real life
- December Study Grid and Bookmark - Weather Themed
- Weather Themed Notebook Page
- Nature Table ideas for a weather theme
- Show and Tell, Favorite Links, Winter Bundle Special Offer
- Thank You Offer for the More Nature Study Bundle
Note: You can download your newsletter from the link in two ways:
- If your link is clickable, right click the link and then "save link as" to save the file on your computer.
- If the link is not clickable, cut and paste the link to your browser, open, and then save your newsletter to your computer.
- January 2013 - Rocks and Minerals
- February 2013 - Birds (Great Backyard Bird Count)
- March 2013 - Moss-Lichen-Mushrooms
- April 2013 - Reptiles-Amphibians
- May 2013 - Garden Flowers-Crops
- June 2013 - Wildflowers-Weeds
- July 2013 - Fish (Ponds)
- August 2013 - The Sky and Stars
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