We have fallen into a nice rhythm with the grid study printable from the monthly newsletter. For November and the mammal grid, we decided to print and place it into our nature journal as a reminder of things we could be on the lookout for as we go about our outdoor time during the month.
I had prepared a page to record my observations using the ideas from my Watercolor Block Nature Journal entry. I didn't want to use another page so I made the grid a "flap" by taping one edge into the journal so you can lift it up and still see what is underneath.
Of course you can just adhere the grid onto a page if you want to and not worry about making a flap.
I pulled our mammal resources off the shelf- field guide to California mammals, field guide to the Sierra Nevada, and my track finder reference. Sometimes just gathering a few resources will spark a new interest in a nature study area you have covered before. This was the case for our family this month. We paged through the field guide, looking at the illustrations and discussing which animals we have seen and which animals we hoped to see in the future.
I added a short list of "hope to see" mammals in my nature journal. We realized that if we were ever going to actually see these animals in the wild we would need to do some more research about where they live, what their tracks look like, and then what their identifying features are.
Of course, none of the mammals on our list is in the Handbook of Nature Study so we are gleaning from books we have on our shelves and from the internet. I wrote our plan for preparation in my nature journal...good reminders since we will be spending a few days up in the mountains later this season and it would be the perfect time to do some observations. There may even be some snow to look for tracks!
Example of the free mammal notebook page available here on my blog. |
I think we are off to a great start on our focus on mammals for the month!
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