26 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba


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Just a quick little note to say ... today was very stressful. It was led up to by a very full week. Last week I had a procedure Monday, a pre-surgical physical Tuesday, a review due Wednesday, a meeting between my son, his dog, and his 4-H Dog Club Trainer Wednesday, Boy Scouts Thursday, JD sick Friday, a 4-H Volunteer project, helping an AKC Dog show for 5 hours an hour from home (seven hour commitment) Saturday, 4-H Dog Training Monday.

So, this morning I had some out-patient surgery. The hospital is an hour away, and I had to be there at 6:00 a.m. for 7:30 surgery, so I got up at 4:00 a.m. to leave by 5:00.  I went into the surgery knowing that I had another review due by noon tomorrow, and that I need to homeschool tomorrow.

I finally finished the review. I have a headache, am tired. And I have my next review due next Friday, with another one due the following Monday.

So... I don't want to procrastinate on these reviews. For a few reviews I was really on top of things, posting the first day or two that I was allowed. I need to get back there again. I hate this last minute stuff. It messes me up.

It's 8:30 p.m. here. I think I'll go see if hubby will split some Ben & Jerry's with me. If not, I think I'm going to bed.

We need a solid school day tomorrow, using lots of products that I have upcoming reviews for (combined with lots of products I have done review of in the past).


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