23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

My Favorite Fall Things and the First Day of Autumn

Autumn seems to be a season that many of us look forward to and in my part of the world we welcome the cooler temperatures and the crisp morning air. We begin to see a few days of wet weather and one activity that seems to make its way into my nature journal is to keep track of that cooler wet weather.

Weather Chart First Week of Feb 2011weather lapbook
Free Printable Weather Chart Record - Use this simple chart to  track your autumn weather.
Weather Lapbook from Hearts and Trees - Inexpensive way to have an instant weather unit at your fingertips for a day you want to feature the weather. 

We also start to take more hikes now that the afternoons are a bit cooler. We have our favorite trails and try to get outside every day to see what we can find of interest.

Walking Trail with Mr. B
Fall Nature Walk/Scavenger Hunt - From Hearts and Trees. My daughter put this one together a few years ago and it is a simple way to add some focus to an autumn nature walk.

Autumn in our local area is Apple Hill time. We have apple and pear orchards, vineyards, and pumpkin farms to visit.

Apples in the BoxLots of Little PumpkinsPear study - Dissection and observations
Apple Challenge - Simple nature study featuring apples and the Handbook of Nature Study.
Pumpkins - Study your pumpkins and then eat them too!
Pear Challenge - Yummy nature study featuring pears and the Handbook of Nature Study with advanced study options too.

Soon it will be time to enjoy the fall colors. Our area does see the turn of the season and we always take a drive up into the high country to view the aspens and maples as they put on their fall color show.

Fall Color Leaf Nature JournalHope Valley Color
Fall Color Walk - This was a really popular activity last year as part of the Outdoor Hour Challenge. Why not try it again this year? My entry for this challenge was one of the most pinned entries ever. (You can see my entry here: Taking The Challenge-Upper Level Fall Color Work.)

There are three complete Autumn themed series of nature study ideas available to go along with the Handbook of Nature Study. They are all found under the Autumn tab at the top of my blog. I think everyone can find something there to observe as the autumn season marches along.

OHC Blog Carnival

Make plans to do some autumn themed outdoor nature study soon and then share your entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival.

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