This was a big week in the garden.
My dear sweet husband surprised me by making a new garden arch for my front yard. We had talked about adding a decorative arch, kicked around a few ideas, and then he added his creative touch. I love the way it makes a sort of "window frame" to the lower part of the garden. He is going to fill in the bare spot with another sage. The poppies are filling in naturally and I think by next year they will be to this lowest part of the yard.
He added a few of my favorite things....birds, butterflies, vines. (Maybe all this garden beauty will distract me from my neighbor's falling down fence.)
He didn't stop there. He finished up the top terrace of the front yard....he eliminated much of my wildside garden but now it is going to be filled with more wonderful color. Just a note: He used the idea I found on Pinterest to spray a solution of vinegar and water on the weeds before trying to remove them. He sprayed last weekend and let it sit for a week. It was awesome how easy those weeds just hoed out of the ground. He was able to do this entire area in less than an hour! I didn't get a "finished" shot....I will soon.
We are adding more yarrow...a different color this time. The yarrow in our front yard is amazing right now...what a great performer with no water and lots of sunshine.
Maybe someday this new section will be as colorful as the established part of the garden. Here is an image from the top terrace looking down onto the yarrow, lavender, butterfly bush, poppies, and dogwoods. We also added some lamb's ear among the rock garden. I am going to see if spreads too much but it has added a new texture to the yard.
Switch gears now and head to the back butterfly garden.
The columbine is starting to bloom! This is such a wonderfully happy flower that loves my semi shady spot in the butterfly garden. Look at those colors!
How about the shape? Isn't it interesting to see how different the back of the flower looks from the front? I am adding this image to my nature journal...I think watercolors.
Last but not least, I wanted to share another one of my swallowtail visitors to my back garden. This magnificent butterfly spent quite a bit of time yesterday fluttering among my potted plants. He seemed to like the bright pink dianthus the best.
So now you know what I am one delighted nature mama. I love this time of year!
Jami's Tuesday Garden Party meme is open from Tuesday to Thursday so there is still time for you to jump in and participate!
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