It seems to be a little hard to locate information about the company on the Beeyoutiful website. However, I'll pass along this from their "Welcome" statement:
"Thank you for choosing where our goal is to assist you in bridging the nutritional gap between our modern diet, and our bodies nutritional needs. On our site you will find all sorts of helpful information in our articles section, nutritional supplements, natural skin care, and other items that promote a healthy lifestyle." [Hey, folks... that intro needs grammatical assistance...]
I perused the articles for some time, and then suddenly noticed an "About Us" button at the bottom of the page. So, I followed the link. On that page I find more information about their goal, their purpose, but no information about the company's history, which is what I was looking for. Anyway, their "About" page says their mission is to "Do good to all men". On to information about the products they sent me.
First of all, I received a vial of "Tension Tamer: The Ultimate De-Stressor".
It has a very nice fragrance. It's aroma is supposed to help one de-stress. I like its cute little bottle, the neat little roll-on ball. The bottle is so small, though, that it is hard to find when it is in my bag. I've been unable to locate it at times when it was in my pocket! It got totally misplaced for almost a week when I let my son use it (story below). So, for me, keeping track of it is an obstacle. If I were going to use this product as a lifestyle, I would need to devise a system so that I could always find it when I need it.
But my biggest issue... I'm 53 years old. I have 53-year-old eyes. The tiny, tiny print on the bottle giving directions -- I wish I had a magnifying glass to help me read it! (Actually, I do have one. I'm getting it out right now so I can read the label.)
With my glasses I can read: "Reduce pain, relieve tension, and combat headaches". With the help of magnification I read: "Roll on temples, wrists, nose or neck and relax as your headache and tension disappear. Great for children, too! Use as often as desired. Avoid contact with eyes and mouth." There was more, with information that the eyes might sting or tear with the vapors. So, as I'm reading this, apply to nose but avoid eyes and mouth? Most things that want you to avoid eyes and mouth just say avoid the whole face just to be safe.
So, I was out, and I had a headache. I had the Tension Tamer with me, and I had nothing else for my headache, so I tried it. That's when I realized how hard the label was to read. Trying to read the tiny print on the label probably made my headache worse! So, I read how to apply it and opted for my temples, since that seemed the logical place to apply it to combat this particular headache. That's when I realized I could not apply the Tension Tamer there without getting it in/on my hair. I didn't like that, but I went ahead and applied it there because I really did have this headache, and headaches are relatively rare for me. I really did need to be able to intelligently review this product, so I really did need to attempt to use it for relieving a headache or calming myself during stress. (I don't tend to struggle with either situation generally, so I needed to jump on this opportunity.) I also applied to my neck and my wrists.
I gave the product some time, and while it helped me until I got home and could take an ibuprophen, it really did not get rid of the headache.
Then on another day my son got a headache, so I had the opportunity to let him try it out as well. I figured maybe I had already preconceived a bias that it wouldn't work. My son used it, and for him... it also did not work. We finally gave him an ibuprophen.
So, while I liked it's pleasant fragrance, and while I liked that it is a natural product, if it doesn't work for me I might as well think of it as perfume. Maybe wearing it myself will help people around me feel less stress...
********************************************************************************The second product I received to review was B.A.L.M., which stands for Beeyoutiful All-natural Lip Moisturizer, the peppermint version (also comes in orange). B.A.L.M. sells for $3.00.
So, sadly, with both products I was just... not impressed. I definitely came into this review desiring to like the products, and I imagine that there are other products in their product line that I would like, but these two products were not a hit with me. I think particularly the Tension Tamer was not a good product for me, personally, to be trying out. I would have loved to try out, instead, their Hair Shine or their Vapor Rub (see below) that some of my fellow crew mates got to try out.
Both products seem to be priced well for what you get. (I am assuming that, for most people, the Tension Tamer would be a useful, helpful product. It probably helps headaches that are caused by tension, and my headaches tend to be caused by allergies and sinus issues. If I don't deal with the root of the problem, it can be hard to get relief from the headache.) There is a lot of product for the money; I still have plenty of both left, and I will continue to use both and see if I get different results under different circumstances.
Beeyoutiful carries an extensive line of natural health and beauty products. There are essential oils, soaps, vitamin and mineral supplements, lotions, books, baking supplies, teas... even appliances. While I was not impressed with the particular products that were sent to me, I would still consider supporting this business by trying out other products that they carry. What is so nice about so many of the natural products is that since they are natural they can be used with children, and they can (depending upon the product) be used as often as needed. So, for products that do work, that is a nice thing.
Here are some additional products they carry that you might be interested in:
Ow !- Ease $15.00
~ Winter Breeze Vapor Rub $18.00
~ Tummy Tuneup $18.00
~ Miracle Skin Salve $15.00 (2oz.) or $25.00 (4oz.)
~ Milk and Honey Facial Bar $10.00
Hair Shine $15.00
********************************************************************************* ~ Berry Well $19.00
********************************************************************************* sells items individually (prices above), or in bulk (with a discount for purchasing in bulk). For more information on their products and their prices, request their free catalog.
***********************************This has been a TOS Homeschool Crew Review. I received products for free from in exchange for my honest review.
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